APS YC1000 microinverter enters the Australia market

Solar power is widely used in Australia and many families have installed PV system on their roofs. APS is proud to be first among microinverter suppliers in the Australian market, providing the best and most economical products available.

australia1Our best seller, the YC500 dual-module unit, is already popular here. Now, the new YC1000 microinverter is ready for Australia and certified for this market after successful rollout in China and the USA.

The YC1000 is the world’s first true 3-phase microinverter (balanced AC output) and offers a proven solution for commercial-scale PV systems. The 1:4 microinverter-to-module ratio significantly lowers balance of system costs.

Unlike other microinverter products entering the commercial segment, the YC1000 line requires no step-up or step-down transformer to operate. Add-on transformers reduce system efficiency and add thousands of dollars in balance-of-system costs – issues the YC1000 microinverter are specifically designed to avoid.

The YC1000 microinverter connects directly to low-voltage DC modules, eliminating the possibility of “arc” fires from high-voltage arrays typical of conventional string inverter systems. The unit also offers revolutionary trunk cabling, eliminating the need for branch cables and resolving “landscape vs. portrait” configuration issues.

Conventional “string” systems only operate as efficiently as the lowest-performing module, meaning reduced output from a shadow or leaf on one module cuts output across the whole array. The YC1000 offers module-level MPPT, increase the array performance.

Using the YC1000 simplifies system design, increases system flexibility, saves the cost of installation and maintenance, and also shortens setup time. It is the best solution for 3-phase residential and commercial systems for the Australian market.

Through the APS Energy Communication Unit and Energy Monitoring and Analysis software, the user can follow the performance of their array in real time and also see historical output data. Precise monitoring lets the user pinpoint the location and nature of any system issues and get precise guidance for necessary maintenance, all within our user-friendly graphic interface.

APS now offers the EMA 2.0 with even more detailed system tracking. Coming soon: the EMA APP for handheld devices, bringing even more convenient monitoring to APS Microinverter end users.